Monday, June 6, 2016

Facebook Security - End-to-end Encryption

facebook security
It’s almost 4 months ago, that Whatsapp has introduced the encryption in its messaging app. It is a good initiative and warmly welcome by Whatsapp users. It is basically an end-to-end security and minimizes the chances of any breach. This encryption is not only for text messages but also for photos, videos, voice messages. Documents and whatsapp calls.

It is good news that Facebook has also introduced encryption. Facebook has approximately 900 million users and it’s very difficult to roll out a major change to all of its users. That’s why Facebook has opted a strategy that it will be up to user, either to enable encryption or not. 

It is still unclear, that either Facebook messaging will be encrypted or videos, pictures etc will also be encrypted? But in any of the case, it is strongly recommended to enable encryption as it will at least decrease the chances of being victimized by any hacker. 

There is also an aspect of encryption and is of high concern. Now-a-days governments and other Law enforcing agencies are peeping at user’s data. According to Jacob Ginsberg, senior director at Echoworx:

“As email threats get greater, it’s prudent to have another solution in place to handle sensitive information. Whatsapp, Google and now Facebook have been instrumental in ‘consumerising’ encryption to educate the public about the improper attempts from law enforcement to weaken the technology and snoop on our conversations in the interest of national security.


HAAMIZ AHMED, Facebook Messenger to Introduce Same Encryption As WhatsApp,


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